Lean Doughs

Lean doughs, which are made with little or no fat, comprise the world of bagels, baguettes and many other forms of non-rich breads. These breads are made using commercial yeast (instant dry, active dry or baker's yeast) and included techniques such as pre-ferments and "spiking." If you're using a natural starter, please post on the Sourdough Board.

Hydration question


I know that there are many different breads that only vary on the level hydration used.and the shape.  Shape I can attribute to esthetics, but what exactly is achieved with the different levels of hydration? This is still the one issue that I cannot find a good answer for.  Even the Stella video about the Bakers Ratio just says that this bread is that hydration, but it doesn't explain why.

Thanks in advance for everyone that can help with this.  I really do appreciate any help.


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