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The other day I was shooting some video for our upcoming bread series and my sous chef and I started talking about making custom bread rolls, loafs etc to be used for sandwiches.

Comments: 54

I hope I'm not just thinking out loud but I've been thinking of making vinegar.  Is anyone around here making their own vinegar.  Seems easy but one thing I'm not yet clear on is how to measure the acid level... other than by taste.  Any advise will be welcomed.

Comments: 21

Can anyone tell me what would be the MINIMUM amount of liquid that could be put into a 0.5 or 1.0 Ltr. syphon (cream whipper) The instructons always refer to the maximum.  This will determine what size to purchase.
Thank You

Comments: 3

A few months ago the issue of gastriques came up in another part of the forum as a potential SCS module.  Until that time, I started doing a little research and found that my local library (the one at my home) was amazingly devoid of information.  Larousse defined it but never said how to make one.

Comments: 3

I thought I'd start this thread to share some of my favorite Chinese cooking recipes. I was fortunate enough to take several classes many years ago from some excellent Chinese chefs and have collected numerous recipes over the years that I love.

The best part about preparing a Chinese meal is the degree to which you can get your family and friends involved in the preparation of the meal. I always tell my friends when I invite them over for a Chinese meal that four things are going to happen:

  1. We're not going to eat for a while

Comments: 11

Although I'm pretty good at removing the strings from snow-pea pods, it doesn't always look as though I've gotten the whole thing.  Even so, they seem to turn out okay, but it does take quite a bit of time.

Is there a technique used by pros in restaurants to remove the strings from large quantities of snow-pea pods quickly, or is it just a matter of pulling them as "zipper tabs" as I have been doing?

Comments: 8

  There is a lime from our Aussie friends that will hit the USA in or around August called a Finger Lime.  Maybe Jacobite can clue us in on it's uses.  What seems really cool about it is that the vesicles of fruit appear to be very reminiscent of caviar, so the little burst of flavor that will come from this fruit has my brain working.

  Does anyone have info on these limes? Or any ideas for uses?  I'm thinking Sushi, and using them as you would salmon roe. 

Comments: 8

All this talk about imperial and metric measurements reminds me of a story. So sit back, grab something to drink and let me tell you about the imperial pudding and cups affair.

Comments: 3

I have been totally frustrated with recipes that use volume measurements instead of weight measurements.  Not only are they difficult to replicate, but they are inaccurate as everyone uses different methods to fill their measuring cups, yielding wild swings in weight measures of the same cup of flour.  

Comments: 13

So my wife and I are putting together an "international high tea" meal for some friends of ours. We are highlighting British, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese styles of tea. With each tea we are going to serve one traditional sweet and one savory item to highlight the tea style. These munchies are going to be small individual items, but I am unsure about how much of each item should be made. As the items are kind of a buffet style h'orderve, I was sure how many of each item should be made. Does anyone have any good ideas about how many pieces of each would be a safe amount to make?

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