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Do I need to have my photos uploaded to a site like flicker in order to post pictures here? 

Comments: 11

One of the things I love about cooking is being able to listen to music while I cook. In the last month I have been doing a lot of comfort food. Braised lamb shank, veal shank, lasagna, and soups. I find when I have big cooking days where I am in the kitchen all day I like to listen to upbeat music. Recently I have been listening to an Irish band by the name of the Rumjacks. Do you find the kind of food that you are making influences your choice of music you listen to on the kitchen? Or do you prefer to cook with out any additional stimulus? 

Comments: 13

Dear Chef Jacob, first, I would like to thank you for the podcast and the videos that you posted. I've been looking for a culinary school that offers part time course to no avail. Your podcast and videos are the answers to my prayers!

Keep up the good work!

Comments: 6

So I am making pumpkin muffins, yes they aren't in season but canned is acceptable here for me, :).  
The spice question is this, the recipe calls for cinnamon, allspice, cloves, and nutmeg, If I grind all whole spices should I use less than if i use store bought ground?
It seems that fresh ground would have more punch than already ground like dry herbs as opposed to  fresh.
any help appreciated.

Comments: 6

Hello My name is Sean Conley and I am from Northwest Indiana. I am a father of two, husband to a wonderful wife (Molly), a mortgage loan officer, and foodie obsessed with cooking. I am lucky to be so close to Chicago, one of the best food cities in the country, but locally it is challenging to find good food at restaurants and ingredients at grocery stores. I have been cooking for about 5 years and seem to focus mostly on Italian and some French cuisine. Some of the chefs that I admire are Giorio Locatelli, Marcella Hazen, Jaques Pepin, Mario Batali, Thomas Keller, and Todd English. 

Comments: 4

My sister recently gave this recipe to me and I have to say it's just amazing.  A great vegetarian appy, great for the beach or a party.  If you didn't know the ingredients, you may be fooled into thinking that you were in fact eating shrimp cocktail (eyes closed of course).

  Poor Man's Shrimp Cocktail
1 head of cauliflower cut into bite sized pieces.

Comments: 1

I've been playing around with fried chicken a lot lately and I've discovered it's pretty much like pizza; even when it's bad it's still pretty good. But there's so many different ways to approach fried chicken, and a great recipe is absolutely sublime. you brine or buttermilk marinade? Do you batter or bread? What type of seasonings do you use? What are your favorite sides to serve with fried chicken?

Comments: 53

In another thread Jay mentioned that he has roasted green coffee beans.  So have I, but not for very long.  I'd like to share knowledge.

Let's talk!

Comments: 14

All of the "you get one chance to cut this right or your dinner will fall apart" or, this is really touchy and will burn within two seconds things i've tried and succeeded at.....

I can NOT make and fold an omelette. Absurd. I come up with excellent mixes for omelettes, but they just end up being good scrambles. I've watched vids. What is wrong with me???

Comments: 11

Hey all,

I've started playing around with different kinds of gnocchi and found a nice way of making it using plantains, blood oranges, and feta cheese. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about what would be a good sauce to use with these. I've thought about a butter and sage sauce, but would like to try something a little more "impressive". Last time I made "regular" gnocchi i sauced it with a Bolognese and that turned out really well but I'm looking for inspiration.  Anyone have any thoughts?

Comments: 8
