Why does Swai stick to every pan...unless using plenty of oil/butter?

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Why does Swai stick to every pan...unless using plenty of oil/butter?

We discovered Swai at our local grocery store several months ago and have made it a staple of our diet.  My husband is from the south, loves catfish, and this is even more mild and versatile.
I watched the podcast of the Swai with a tomato buerre blanc - looks yummy!
We're trying to cut down on oils & butter and find that the Swai sticks to everything (including non-stick pans and the non-stick BBQ tray) when we spray them first or use just a light coating of any kind of oil.  It seems to exude some kind of liquid that then glues the fillets to the pan.  I guess my question is this...is it ALWAYS necessary to use so much oil/butter to keep this fish from sticking?  I don't have this problem with salmon or any other types of fish.

Thanks, and I look forward to following your site!