Whipped cream and starch pudding strange mouthfeel

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Joined: 2014-08-02 23:57
Whipped cream and starch pudding strange mouthfeel

Hello, all. The other day I prepared a butterscotch pudding and topped it with unsweetened whip cream. By themselves both were...all right, but when eaten together I noticed a fatty residue on the roof of my mouth much like when an ice cream custard breaks during freezing. I've included the pudding recipe below as a reference. The only points where I deviated were the cassonade (which I didn't have on hand so used a mixture of medium brown sugar and molasses) and the vanilla extract (where I live the preserved vanilla pods in glass tubes are much easier to come by).

Otherwise all I can think is that the small amount of alcohol in the dessert hitting the fat globules of the cream might be the culprit. In any case, if someone has an idea how to keep the whipped cream smooth on swallowing, please let me know. This one small detail really ruins the dish for me. Appreciate the assistance, Michel (As a new forum member I'm not actually allowed to post a link; sorry) Reference: http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2008/02/a-butterscotch/