The conflicting story of 'High Heat'

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The conflicting story of 'High Heat'

Have a question for the folks here regarding using 'high heat'.
It seems, to me, that there's quite a bit of conflicting sentiments about cranking up the knob.  Many chefs call for the use of high heat quite often, some claim that it's not really necessary.  To add to that, if you read the paperwork that comes with quite a bit of cookware (All Clad, Lodge Ceramic dutch ovens) they specifically state that the use of high heat is to be avoided when using their cookware.  I get that ceramic cookware could be damaged by prolonged use on high, but what about All-Clad's stainless cookware?
So, what's an amateur cook to think about the application of high heat?  Is it merely speed or personal preference or are there reasons behind keeping the heat a few notches lower?