Potato Pancakes

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Joined: 2011-06-14 08:06
Potato Pancakes

  So, here's the thing:  I love all things potato, but I cannot make potato pancakes from left over mashed.  My mom and mother-in-law both use the same technique.  They beat an egg into the leftover mashed, add enough milk or cream to make a batter the consistency of pancake batter (well a little thicker) then they pan fry these yummies until they form little bubbles on top, they flip them and brown the other side.  
   When I make them they fall apart.  I have tried adding flour to the batter to give it more body, they hold together but taste like flour.  I have tried making them thicker, then dusting the outside with flour.  That method works but the texture is off.  I have tried low heat, medium and high.  I have tried cast iron, stainless, and non-stick pans. This drives me crazy!  There is no other food that I can think of that has beat me, and yet, all it takes is the simple little russett, lol.  HELP!!