Lean Doughs

Lean doughs, which are made with little or no fat, comprise the world of bagels, baguettes and many other forms of non-rich breads. These breads are made using commercial yeast (instant dry, active dry or baker's yeast) and included techniques such as pre-ferments and "spiking." If you're using a natural starter, please post on the Sourdough Board.

Preserving (un)baked sourdough (loafs)


When baking sourdough bread, it's a long process from start to end. And I know fresh is always best. However, I sometimes just don't have the time to bake (and in the country I live in there is no concept of bread, they only do the sliced cake, so I can't buy bread).

So what I'm trying to achieve is starting multiple loafs at once but only finish one. I.e. 2.5kg starter, 1.25kg white wheat flour, 1.25kg wholemeal spelt flour, 1l water. Then preserve the others....somehow....


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