
SCS 013| Espagnole Sauce - Five French Mother Sauces Part 5

The Five French Mother Sauces

In this episode of The Stella Culinary School Podcast, we finish our five part mother sauce series with a lesson on Sauce Espagnole. Also known as Sauce Brown, Espagnole is the base inspiration for modern day demis and pan sauces. In the discussion segment we go over the evolution of Escoffier's version of Espagnole into modern day demi-glace, and in the culinary quick tip, the three components you need to finish a pan sauce for optimum flavor balance.

SCS 012| Sauce Tomat - Five French Mother Sauces Part 4

The Five French Mother Sauces

In part four of our five part mother sauce series, we talk about Sauce Tomat, the base for many variations of modern tomato sauce. We finish up our talk on thickening agents, with a quick discussion on purees, bread crumbs, and food grade gums like Ultra Tex 3 and Xanthan Gum. In the main technique segment, we go over Escoffier's classic recipe for Sauce Tomat, and then cover some modern variations.

SCS 010| Sauce Velouté - Five French Mother Sauces Part 2

The Five French Mother Sauces

In part two of our French Mother Sauce series, we go over how to make sauce velouté , including some of the more popular secondary sauces, including Sauce Supreme, Allemande and Vin Blanc. In the discussion segment, we start a three part series on thickening agents used in both sauces and soups. In this episode, we go over roux and liaison.


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