Oyster Mushrooms: Those Damn Things!

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Joined: 2012-10-17 11:54
Oyster Mushrooms: Those Damn Things!

Do you have that one ingredient that, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get right? Maybe that's just a thing with us amateur home chefs like myself.

Anyway, one of my most frustrating ingredients are oyster mushrooms. I largely ignored them in the past, but in Spain everyone loved "setas" (which they distinguish from the "champiñones" or capped mushrooms). I'm a huge fan of mushrooms in all forms - raw, sautéd, baked into things, etc - so I had to try it out. I had many tasty dishes made with them, but I could just never do anything right with them. I've tried just sautéeing them, I've tried incorporating them into stir fries, egg dishes, and pasta dishes. And I failed. Repeatedly.

Every time I try, I get this disgusting, liquidy, gooey mess in the middle of the pan that tastes like nothing and ruins everything around it. In case it isn't obvious by now, it's extremely frustrating!

So, I turn to the collective wisdom of the Stella-verse. How do you guys cook oyster mushrooms and what do you like to use them for?

Many thanks in advance.