What's your sourdough starters name? And how do you look after it?

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Dave Mott
Joined: 2014-04-03 15:34
What's your sourdough starters name? And how do you look after it?

Hey everybody. I would like to welcome "Bubbles" (no trailer park boys reference) to the family. He came to be about 1 month ago, and is now living a very healthy lifestyle and enjoys leavening lots of bread products. I feed him at least twice a week, or more due to my current bread obsession, and will have many discussions with him on what we are going to bake next or any problem solving that we may encounter. Bubbles lives in the refrigerator in a beautiful glass container, with a screw on lid that we purchased at our local kitchen supply store. There is lots of room for him to expand when fed.
Bubbles' recipe is: 250g Bread Flour, 250g Red Fife Flour, 500g water, for a beautiful poolish sourdough starter!
Aerial view of Bubbles' home!

Bubbles' home in comparison to a 1L Nalgene bottle. His home is a little wider and a little taller.