Thoughts on Hard Boiled Eggs...

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Mucho Bocho
Joined: 2015-01-26 09:37
Thoughts on Hard Boiled Eggs...

If you're like me, making proper hard boiled eggs has been hit or miss. Even when using the same technique, sometime the shells would stick to the whites, sometime the yoke would be inconsistently cooked. But shells sticking was my biggest issue.  For me, few things are more frustrating than shells that stick to the white albumen. Sucks when you painstakingly pick off specks of shells and then get to the very end, a huge chunk of white comes off, rendering that egg useless.

After research, testing and combining techniques, I've found a method that consistently works for me. 

Old Way:
Dozen refrigerated eggs (>2 weeks old) placed into cold water. Thumb tack prick in the eggs bottom to release pressure while cooking
Bring to boil over high heat, when at a rapid boil
Cut heat off but leave covered on the burner for 10 minutes
Remove to ice water bath
Peel when warm to handle under a little running water

New Way:
Steamer pot up to full steam
Dozen refrigerated eggs (>2 weeks old) placed in pot on steamer, covered. Cook 15min.
Place into ice bath with TBLS salt and TBLS baking soda
Peel when warm to handle under a little running water

As you can see in the photo, the egg shells just fell off. At times I was able to peel half the egg with one thumb flick. This technique was easy, quick and reproducible. Eggs are an immense subject so I wanted to share a little wisdom with the hope it will make your egg cooking successful and more enjoyable.

Some thoughts:
I found that pricking the egg and slightly breaking the shells while in the water bath unnecessary.

Happy Egg Cooking