Recipes for [ingredient here] haters

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Joined: 2011-05-16 04:52
Recipes for [ingredient here] haters

Based on Elliot's question about Brussels Sprouts, this thread is for anyone who hates certain ingredients but would like suggestions or recipes from others on ways those ingredients may be made palatable.

Since Elliot already has his thread for Brussels Sprouts, I'll not step upon his thread, but I'll open up this thread for anyone to inquire about hated ingredients.

I'll get things started with a few things I have tried several times, over the years, still don't like, but would like to give another chance:

  • Shrimp (Oddly enough, I DO like crabs, crayfish and lobsters.)
  • Salmon (The only time I've come close to liking it was when it was grilled.)
  • Asparagus (Just haven't been able to get past the taste OR the texture.)
  • Bivalve molluscs (Clams, oysters, mussels, scallops)