Is Yak Yummy?

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Joined: 2011-07-19 03:18
Is Yak Yummy?

The Farmer's Market was, as usual, spectacular today. For the first time I've noticed this year, the yak vendor was there, along with a study proclaiming that in blind side-by-side taste tests people prefer yak to beef, bison, and venison (which always makes me wonder which cuts of each, and how they were prepared...).
I'll probably try the yak one of these days, but I thought I'd ask Stella's gurus first: have you cooked or eaten yak? Is it as wonderful as the yak vendor says? Do you have a favorite yak recipe?
When I search for info on cooking yak online, most of what I find comes from yak ranchers and yak promoters. I do gather that removing connective tissue is crucial, since yak connective tissue is extra-strong. They also say the meat finishes very quickly, so you have to take care not to overcook. They also all warn against microwaving the sweet, delicate yak.