Check out Michael Ruhlman's Ratio App on your app store

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Joined: 2011-05-19 07:33
Check out Michael Ruhlman's Ratio App on your app store

I found out today that Michael Ruhlman (Ratio, Charcuterie) has an app on both iOs and Android. It is 5 bucks, and it's a little bit pricey for how lean the app is, but it's mostly the contents of the book.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the book, it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a generic ratio for something vs. a detailed recipe. He goes into ideas on how to change things, but it really strips everything down to the bone. If you're not into technology, I highly recommend checking Ratio out. It's 30 ratios, and it's like learning hundreds of recipes when you get creative.