Flour info

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Joined: 2011-05-19 07:33
Flour info

Hey everyone. I've basically transitioned completely into using king arthur flour. The differences are astounding and more consistent for me. I got a little nuts and found a local distributor and I bought 2 50lb bags. On their site, at the bottom, look for professional flours, and find the closest dist. to you and see if they deal with the public (if you're an owner or have papers, it won't matter to you). The types they sell are a little misleading on their site, but Sir Galahad is their prof. AP flour, while the "special patent" is the high protein bread flour. 

If you're baking bread or hell, anything a lot, why should you not be using the flour the pros use, and also, why should you have to get 5 and 10lb bagged to death at the grocery?? Just get a nice tub to store them in, and have at it!!