Rhubarb Recipes?

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enilorac's picture
Joined: 2011-07-19 03:18
Rhubarb Recipes?

So at the Farmer's Market this morning some beautiful rhubarb jumped into my arms. I started thinking about rhubarb crisp, or steel-cut oats with rhubarb and cinnamon for breakfast, but then I thought one of you might have an even better idea. Honestly, I didn't have a plan for it when I bought it. I was waiting for the farmer to weigh the arugula, and there was this beautiful shiny red stuff.
On a side note, it is such a blessing to have a great market again. There are many, many small farms locally, most organic and many growing heritage crops. For gently raised meat, we generally have a choice of chicken, turkey, lamb, beef and buffalo. I could wish for a good local pork supplier, but nowhere is perfect!
I restrained myself today, but still came home with two different fresh goat cheeses, eggs, milk, the aforementioned arugula and rhubarb, two different kinds of strawberries, spring onions, baby garlic, asparagus, lamb chorizo, and a ridiculously decadent cheese danish for the ride home.
Hmm... maybe the rhubarb could work nicely with the lamb chorizo...