SCS 020| Bread Classifications
In this episode we discuss the various ways breads are classified and take a more detailed look at the science behind the bulk fermentation process.
In this episode we discuss the various ways breads are classified and take a more detailed look at the science behind the bulk fermentation process.
In this episode of The Stella Culinary School Podcast we discuss the twelve steps of the bread baking process. Whether you're new to bread baking or an old pro, this podcast is extremely important for building a foundation in excellent bread baking technique.
This video will teach you how to make a basic baguette in your home oven. If you're new to bread baking, this video will introduce you to some invaluable concepts including the 12 steps of bread and steam injection for proper crust formation.
This video will teach you the proper technique for making and using a roux to thicken sauces. Rouxs are an important component in making an awesome gravy, and is commonly used in hearty stews and soups such as gumbo.
In this episode of the Stella Culinary School Podcast we kick off our bread baking lecture series with a lesson on the four ingredients needed to make bread. We discuss the science behind flour, water, yeast and salt and how it will affect your overall bread dough recipe.
In part three of our mother sauce series, this lesson focuses on Béchamel Sauce, from which many milk and cream based sauces are derived. We continue our discussion on thickeners, including white wash, beurre manié, corn starch and arrow root. And in the culinary quick tip, how to make a simple macaroni and cheese using a common Béchamel derivative, Mornay.
In part two of our French Mother Sauce series, we go over how to make sauce velouté , including some of the more popular secondary sauces, including Sauce Supreme, Allemande and Vin Blanc. In the discussion segment, we start a three part series on thickening agents used in both sauces and soups. In this episode, we go over roux and liaison.