
How to Cook a Ribeye Steak on a Weber Kettle Grill Using Reverse Sear

In this video, I demonstrate how to cook any thick steak on a grill, using the reverse sear cooking technique. While I demonstrate this technique using a ribeye on a Weber kettle, this technique will work with any grill or thick cut steak.

This same technique can also be done inside, using a 225F oven and then searing on the stove top to finish.

CKS 035| How to Butcher a Beef Tendloin and Fabricate Filets of Beef

How to Break Down a Beef Tenderloin and Fabricate Into Fillets of Beef - Video - Butchery - Culinary Knife Skills

In this video, you'll learn how to quickly and efficiently break down a beef tenderloin, resulting in the fabrication of beef filets. These filets are commonly referred to as "Filet Mignon," but technically speaking, the "Mingnon" only comes from the bottom tail portion and is normally cut 1-2" thick. When fabricating larger steaks, "filet of beef" is the more appropriate term. For more information about the beef tenderloin itself, please see below.

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