Baking Bread...Full Time!

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Dave Mott
Joined: 2014-04-03 15:34
Baking Bread...Full Time!

Well "hello" Stella community! Man, it's been way too long. I hope everybody is doing great!

So I did it! I have left my full-time job to enter the world of baking bread full-time. Jacob was so nice in asking me to start posting, which will sort of chronicle my journey. Of course I agreed, and I'm pretty stoked to give this a shot.

I was just talking with Jacob about a post in the "sourdough" forum, that I was reading from 2015 called "Bread x 2". I was actually talking with wartface (long-time Stella dude) and Jacob about opening a micro-bakery. This was when I started to give away some of my first loaves to friends and neighbours. Crazy!

So here's the story:

3 years a go, I was talkiing with my neighbour Mike, about food. I mentioned to him that I baked my own sourdough bread. He thought that was really cool and wanted to try some. I baked him a loaf of sourdough Red Fife and he loved it. He wanted more and offered to pay me for it. Word started getting around and before I knew it within 2 months I had 30 people that I was baking bread for and delivering to their homes every week. How awesome is that! So I figured I would go for it. For the next 2 years I baked bread and delivered, and held down a full time job. Yup, I was crazy! But from those 2 years an amazing community of sourdough bread lovers was created. It seemed like we all had one main thing in common, and that was eating really good healthy bread. Last year I took a break from baking bread to seriously think about "is this something I want to do full time". And the answer...YOU BET!

So here we go! I hope you enjoy my posts.
