Lean Doughs

Lean doughs, which are made with little or no fat, comprise the world of bagels, baguettes and many other forms of non-rich breads. These breads are made using commercial yeast (instant dry, active dry or baker's yeast) and included techniques such as pre-ferments and "spiking." If you're using a natural starter, please post on the Sourdough Board.

Autolyse and Preferments


I try use both a preferment and autolyse for all my breads. For low hydration breads, Bagels and Pretzels, if I make a preferment/biga  the hydration is to low to do an "autolyse" with the rest of the flour.  It becomes to difficult to incorporated the salt and other ingredients evenly. Is there still a benefit to mixing the remaining flour and ingredients and letting it rest for a while even  though its technically not an autolyse.


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