
Stop pulling your hair out, we've all been there. Sourdough Bread is an art and science that takes technique, know-how and lots of failure to master. Post your problems, share your ideas and give out recipes that have worked for you.

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I listened to Chef Jacob's podcast SCS 22 "Lets Bake Sour Dough" . I understand the concept of maintaining my starter in the refrigerator to make it more sour. I'm just not sure how this should effect my feeding schedule. I keep 300g of starter, after being revived it's kept on the counter and fed every 12 hrs discarding 200g and replacing with 100g/100g bread flour and water. It will at least double in that time. To develop a more sour flavor I have started feeding with whole wheat flour and storing in refrigerator. Not sure what kind of feeding schedule it should be on.


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