Not sold on this whole "Oven frying" thing

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Joined: 2011-05-19 07:33
Not sold on this whole "Oven frying" thing

I just tried a recipe that i've been interested in trying for a while. I cut chicken breast up into small pieces and let it sit in some mayo for a while. i then breaded it with some breadcrumbs and crushed up pecans. I even sprayed olive oil on one side to crisp up some of the breading. The chicken wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Does anyone else have any luck with the mayo/bread/oven fried still chicken?

I'm not concerned so much with the dietetic aspect of deep frying, i'm a firm believer that it doesn't deserve the demonizing that it gets, it is however a mega hassle to set up and break down. I also sort of hate pan frying breaded items like this and they tend to soak up WAY more oil than deep fry. The oven thing seems like it good work especially with something like mayo being the coating. it's eggs and oil after all.

Any tips would be appreciated.