Need some help identifying these food items

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Joined: 2011-05-15 23:20
Need some help identifying these food items

Hi all,

I recently went on a trip to South Korea for work, being the food junkie I am I was most excited about the exotic food I could try.  While in Seoul I spent an afternoon in Kwangjang market, its huge street market where you can buy just about anything and its has all types of local street food.  There are  a few items that I tried that I cant identity, can anyone help me out?

This i assume was some type of seafood because it came with a fishy clear broth, anyone know what this is?  The items on the stick are different from what's floating too

Then there was this grub type bug, it was "unique" but what is it?

I didn't try this (yah I know, I'll eat a bug but not this) but what the heck is it?

Anyone know what kind of fish this is?

This trip was one of my favorite business trips of all time!!!

Thanks for any help