Fast and easy way to tenderize Chicken, Pork and Beef

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Mark Warren
Joined: 2013-03-18 16:15
Fast and easy way to tenderize Chicken, Pork and Beef

We all know that a tender cut of beef is one that has been aged, but that is expensive to buy such a nice cut when you can tenderize your meats 20 minutes before cooking and get great results. Whatever your cut is get it cut into the portion size you will cook it as and place them all into a bowl and cover with cool tap water with 1 tsp. of baking soda and let sit for 20 minutes. This will raise the ph of the water and accelerate the process of breaking down the protein strands. It is very important to drain and rinse your meat after the 20 minutes, if you fail to rinse the meat is will have a soapy taste to it.
That's it prepare and cook however you like.
Test this for yourself on 2 identical pieces of meat.

edit; I would like to add that this method is a topical one and should not be used as an injection method and will only penetrate so far, and for these reasons this will work great with thinly sliced cuts of meat for kabobs and max out at about the thickness of a Chicken breast.