A framework for cooking for one

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Jason Wirth
Joined: 2012-05-29 11:08
A framework for cooking for one

Hi All,
Does anyone have a ideas unique to cooking for one? For most of my friends cooking for one means cereal or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'd like to do better.
I'm very unimpressed by most "cooking for one"-type cookbooks. Judith Jones' "The Pleasures of Cooking For One" is a great example of what's wrong with cooking for one. I was hoping for a thoughtful discussion of what it means to cook for one, instead I got a collection of recipes that, for the life of me, didn't seem unique to cooking for one. Her recipes are just normal recipes with smaller portion sizes or an alternative way to use an ingredient.
For example, her "hollandaise for one" has a special trick: use only 1 egg yolk and less butter. Or, her recipe for grilled asparagus suggests using leftovers in a BLT sandwich. Gee thanks Judith, I never would figure those out. If you thought those tips were great, you'll be blown away by "Chapter 4: Use leftover chicken in salads" and "Chapter 6: Freeze extra soup."
What ways can I cook good food for myself that is beyond the obvious? Are there special ways to prep or shop? Are some ingredients, techniques, or styles of cooking better than others? Are there ways of organizing a kitchen to make daily prep and cooking more efficient?