Xanthan Gum Question

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Xanthan Gum Question

I just started using Xanthan gum to thicken sauces since I HAD to start on a diet.  Yes, unfortunately, I like to eat and sometimes a little too much so I need to shed about 70lbs !  One way is to begin limiting my fat intake, pity, as it is what makes food taste wonderful (that and awesome spices and fresh ingredients).

Xanthan gum.  I've been experimenting with it in small doses to attempt to thicken sauces.  It feels a bit slimy on the tongue and does not feel as smooth and velvety as a sauce thickened with roux.  I usually have a sauce with almost every dinner but finding it difficult to get that great flavor with xanthan gum.  Am I simply using too much or would a different thickener be better suited to the task say something like ultratex ?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

PS - anyone know how to make a faux buerre blanc ?