
SNS 016| Classic Mayonnaise

How to Make a Classic Mayonnaise - Video

It may seem silly to ask "what is mayonnaise" since it's common place in most of our lives. People use mayonnaise on sandwiches, as a dressing for salads such as chicken, potato and macaroni, in cakes, and some even put it in their hair to use as a conditioner.  Yet some don't actually know that mayonnaise is simply made from emulsifying egg yolks with a neutral flavored oil like vegetable, canola or grape seed.

In this video, I demonstrate a classic mayonnaise recipe that uses egg yolks, canola oil, mustard powder, lemon juice, kosher salt and white pepper. The mayonnaise is made using a simple mixing bowl and whisk but if you have a good blender or food processor, I recommend you use that instead, unless you're trying to bulk up your fore-arms.




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