Lean Doughs

Lean doughs, which are made with little or no fat, comprise the world of bagels, baguettes and many other forms of non-rich breads. These breads are made using commercial yeast (instant dry, active dry or baker's yeast) and included techniques such as pre-ferments and "spiking." If you're using a natural starter, please post on the Sourdough Board.

How to make bread dough ahead of time?


Now that my cottage-food operation is doing well at one farmer's market and I'm about to expand to a second market, it just won't be possible to do enough loaves of bread with all the mixing, kneading, rising and baking  all in one day.

What should I do to make and portion the doughs ahead of time and refrigerate them so that I'll only need to do the actual baking on the final day necessary? 

Although the refrigeration will slow down the fermentation, is there anything that must be done to avoid over proofing if I make the doughs several days in advance? 



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