Lemons - what to do with?

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Joined: 2016-02-27 11:10
Lemons - what to do with?

Greetings to my fellow cooking buddies,   

I asked my flatmate to bring home one lemon - with him to add the dish that I was making (the chicken with sumac) - I have posted about that before.  It had been some months since I served that up, and I just felt like a nice spicy chicken dish for dinner.  

So anyway - I asked for one lemon and he has delivered to my kitchen bench a bag full of lemons.   Like a big bag.  

A Kiwi homecook would like to know ...

* Can I freeze the lemon juice - and if so how long will it last? 
* Can I freeze the lemon zest? - and if so how long will it last 


I am thinking I might make a lemon merguine pie - but apart from that - what would you make with lemons?  

I look forward to your input - as a matter of urgency as I do not not want to toss them out into the compost - because they have become too ripe to use.   

Look forward to your replies - *smiles*