Preserving (un)baked sourdough (loafs)

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Joined: 2015-01-17 01:29
Preserving (un)baked sourdough (loafs)

When baking sourdough bread, it's a long process from start to end. And I know fresh is always best. However, I sometimes just don't have the time to bake (and in the country I live in there is no concept of bread, they only do the sliced cake, so I can't buy bread).

So what I'm trying to achieve is starting multiple loafs at once but only finish one. I.e. 2.5kg starter, 1.25kg white wheat flour, 1.25kg wholemeal spelt flour, 1l water. Then preserve the others....somehow....

I've tried freezing the dough after autolyse, after bulk fermentation, after proofing, after par baking, after baking. None of the results came anywhere close to the fresh loaf I'm making. I'm aware that nothing will be as a fresh loaf but I hope that I can save a lot of time with only a little setback in terms of quality.

I hope this attempt to sacrifice (a little bit of) quality for (a lot of) time is not regarded as blasphemy here :) Would be better to have all the time in the world, but that's not how this world works unfortunately...
